ZWINGER. 2013, Corpus Books, RussiaThe 15th INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR OF HIGH-QUALITY NON-FICTION will take place from 27th of November to 1st of December 2013 in Moscow at the Central House of Artists (10, Krymsky Val str.) (see

Moscow’s ‘Non/Fiction’ Book Fair runs annually for five days. Last year, the fair united 293 participants from 18 countries of Europe, Asia and America. Publishing houses, book-trade systems, literary communities and culture foundations offered bright and high-quality selection of humanitarian, sci-tech, educational, business, publicistic and fiction literature to all kinds of visitors of the Central House of Artists. In 2012, 31.831 people visited to the Non-Fiction Book Fair.

More than 300 business events such as presentations, meetings and panel discussions were held in 7 discussion spaces during all five days of the exhibition. More than 40 International Guests from Belgium, UK, Germany, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, USA, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan took part in the Fair, and the programme included more than 300 different events on seven stages, all connected with book publishing, distribution, and promotion of high-quality fiction, humanitarian, and educational literature.

On November 30th at 14.00, in the 1st Seminar Zone of the NON/Fiction fair, Elena Kostioukovitch will be presenting the Russian edition of her ZWINGER novel released by Coprus Books.